
Sep 14, 2009

Real Time Search using google!

If you do a Google search, you will get detailed options to display recent results using "show options". This search was not real time,because the search option only had the option to display results from Any time, Past year, Past week, Recent results and Past 24 hours.

You can actually search Google in real time. All you need to do is to change some text in the URL and thats it! You have real time search results.

So how to do it?

Suppose, if you need to search for nokia, search for the term as usual and on the results page, select "show options" and then click "Past 24 hours". Then, change the parameter in the address bar manually to customize your search till the last second. To display results for the past hour change the parameter to qdr:h for Past minute qdr:n and for the past second to qdr:s

The URL will be something like this:

all you need to do is to change the qdr:d to the above mentioned parameters! It might not show any results in case there are no new results either in the past minute or past second. However, you will notice a headline that says "Past second" or "Past minute"!


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